Quality over quantity seemed to be the general consensus with this show. I attended with a couple of like-minded old school car fanatic friends today and spent a good 3 hours walking around the displays of cars and bikes. The thing about this event is that you now get invited to display, rather than just entering. This has it’s good and bad points: good thing is that it keeps out the cars that wouldn’t be classified as a proper Hot Rod or Street Machine (or at least in the organisers eyes) however the bad thing is that there are plenty of machines out there that would classify as true Hot Rod or Street Machines (in my eyes). I guess when you boil it all down, this would be considered the cream of the crop; and boy, they really had some top quality machines there. As mentioned before, this isn’t just cars; there were a few bikes there too, and quite a few really caught my eye on the detail and quality of the builds. One thing I really hated – fluro lights! Made my life pretty difficult.
As always, complete set of pictures taken can be found on my Facebook Page. There’s so many cars, I had to split them up into the upstairs and downstairs sections! If you know the owner of the vehicle, don’t be shy to tag them, I’m sure they’d appreciate it!