Quality over quantity seemed to be the general consensus with this show. I attended with a couple of like-minded old school car fanatic friends today and spent a good 3 hours walking around the displays of cars and bikes. The thing about this event is that you now get invited to display, rather than just […]

Brads Cortina
Don’t be fooled by this cars small engine size; it’s had quite the tickle under the bonnet. Brads owned this car since it was passed down from his Dad quite a few years go. It’s since had a few modifications, the latest being an engine rebuild that Brad completed by himself. This included (not sure […]

Stradbroke weekend away!
Recently, myself and 3 other mates went over to North Straddy, just off the Cleveland coast in Brisbane (for those who aren’t from around here). Apart from the early morning wake up, the journey on the barge was nice and smooth and to be quiet honest, the weather couldn’t of been more perfect. I was […]