Was a blast this year! Members turned up at Archer Falls airfield to have a bit of fun in the doughnut pad, spear the spud, go to whoa and a few other events. Jezz cooked his famous pig-on-a-spit and good times where had by all. Full photo coverage of Saturday morning is on my Facebook […]

Mopar Mayhem 2015
I ventured out with several of my car club members to this years Mopar Mayhem event located at Queensland Raceways. Unfortunately my own Dodge wasn’t ready for the track, so I took out my Jeep instead. No photos of that (hard to take pictures of yourself while driving) however I’ve got a swap of images […]

The 44th Queensland Hot Rod and Street Machine Spectacular
Quality over quantity seemed to be the general consensus with this show. I attended with a couple of like-minded old school car fanatic friends today and spent a good 3 hours walking around the displays of cars and bikes. The thing about this event is that you now get invited to display, rather than just […]

Phoenix Shoot
Ok so I’ve been working on my project car for quite some time – 2 years and a few weeks to be exact. It’s still got the usual small odds and ends to finish off like the fun polishing the bars. Oh yay. Anywho, I took the car out to a new industrial estate this […]

Mopar Mayhem QLD 2013
First up – BIG thanks and congrats to the event coordinators. The day was excellent, I had a great time and I’m pretty damn correct in saying that everyone else did as well. All kinds of Dodge, Chrysler, Plymouth and “Mopar” related cars were out today. Everything ranging from the simple 4 cylinder Chrysler Lancer […]