Was a blast this year! Members turned up at Archer Falls airfield to have a bit of fun in the doughnut pad, spear the spud, go to whoa and a few other events. Jezz cooked his famous pig-on-a-spit and good times where had by all. Full photo coverage of Saturday morning is on my Facebook […]

Mopar Mayhem 2015
I ventured out with several of my car club members to this years Mopar Mayhem event located at Queensland Raceways. Unfortunately my own Dodge wasn’t ready for the track, so I took out my Jeep instead. No photos of that (hard to take pictures of yourself while driving) however I’ve got a swap of images […]

The 44th Queensland Hot Rod and Street Machine Spectacular
Quality over quantity seemed to be the general consensus with this show. I attended with a couple of like-minded old school car fanatic friends today and spent a good 3 hours walking around the displays of cars and bikes. The thing about this event is that you now get invited to display, rather than just […]

Phoenix Shoot
Ok so I’ve been working on my project car for quite some time – 2 years and a few weeks to be exact. It’s still got the usual small odds and ends to finish off like the fun polishing the bars. Oh yay. Anywho, I took the car out to a new industrial estate this […]