Friend of mine owns Up2NoGood and we’ve been chatting for some time in regards to getting some nice photos of some of his products for advertising on social media. Well he put the call out to a few of his friends to be models for the day and hey presto – we have a shoot […]

Dress the Bones Fashion Shoot
Weather couldn’t be better for the day on Saturday. Candice from Dress the Bones brought the two ladies along, Maddy and Tuini and also her mum! We set off into the flower section of Roma Street Gardens in Brisbane, and got to work! Several interesting things happened throughout the day. Some tourists gave me their […]

Shoot with Dress the Bones
Well after much stuffing around with the weather in Brisbane of late, we were able to complete a successful fashion shoot. The shoot consisted of 4 ladies, 10 or so accessories and countless number of outfits! The shoot itself started off very well, everyone was quick to get into position, get the shots needed, then […]