I was asked recently to perform a product shoot on opals and I jumped at the chance. I don’t regularly get to use my macro lens and white box, which is primarily designed for small product photography. These opals are from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales. for those of you who don’t know where that […]

Sony A5000 – In Review
Ok so short backstory here: No I haven’t changed brands, I took an opportunity to try something a little different. Digital Camera Warehouse (DCW) and Sony had a deal going across all of their stores where you could trade in your old DSLR and pay $1 and in return, you get a shiny new Sony […]

The 44th Queensland Hot Rod and Street Machine Spectacular
Quality over quantity seemed to be the general consensus with this show. I attended with a couple of like-minded old school car fanatic friends today and spent a good 3 hours walking around the displays of cars and bikes. The thing about this event is that you now get invited to display, rather than just […]

Early Easter Sunday trip
Well I got it in my bright spark of a mind that early Sunday morning would be a great time to do a roadtrip down to the northern border of New South Wales and grab some sunrise photos from the rocks at Fingal Head. Now these rocks are sort of special – I’ve never seen […]

Brads Cortina
Don’t be fooled by this cars small engine size; it’s had quite the tickle under the bonnet. Brads owned this car since it was passed down from his Dad quite a few years go. It’s since had a few modifications, the latest being an engine rebuild that Brad completed by himself. This included (not sure […]