Was a blast this year! Members turned up at Archer Falls airfield to have a bit of fun in the doughnut pad, spear the spud, go to whoa and a few other events. Jezz cooked his famous pig-on-a-spit and good times where had by all. Full photo coverage of Saturday morning is on my Facebook […]

Mopar Mayhem QLD 2013
First up – BIG thanks and congrats to the event coordinators. The day was excellent, I had a great time and I’m pretty damn correct in saying that everyone else did as well. All kinds of Dodge, Chrysler, Plymouth and “Mopar” related cars were out today. Everything ranging from the simple 4 cylinder Chrysler Lancer […]

Nostalgia Drags 2013
Another great sunny day graced us at Willowbank Raceway in Queensland. This is the 2013 Nostalgia drags, show n shine and swap meet and it was a pretty decent day. I was going to help motivate myself on my own car restoration, and there was plenty of eye-candy cars present. Even a few in the […]

Mopar Sunday 2013
Awesome. That’s the one single word that can be said about this event. I might be biased, but I’m pretty sure many others would agree with me. First up, I wandered around the car park area to see what other people brought in – most of these cars deserved a spot in the show I […]

Shannons Queensland Autospectacular
I went to the car show on Sunday with some mates. While the show was good in the aspect that there was a great variety of cars around, the swap meet was a little bit of a let down. I’m assuming that many people were scared away from the meet due to the previous day […]